The Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services of the Guelmim-Oued Noun region is a professional public institution with legal personality and financial autonomy under the supervision of the State.
It represents professionals in the trade, industry and services sectors to local, provincial, regional and national authorities, as well as to international organizations and institutions working in the fields related to its missions.
The Chamber is responsible for representative, advisory, support and promotional missions.
Representative missions :
- Represent and ensure the defence of the general interests of professionals in their territorial jurisdiction;
- Participate with public authorities in the development of plans and strategic choices related to their activities at the national, regional, provincial or local level;
- Participate, within its territorial jurisdiction, in the work of the boards of directors of public institutions involved in the sectors it represents and the boards of directors of agencies and offices managing public facilities and services under its territorial jurisdiction, in particular wholesale markets, bus stations and slaughterhouses, airport, fairs, cold stores, urban transport agencies, local water and electricity distribution agencies, councils of universities and regional education and training academies and public vocational training institutions as well as all public institutions and companies;
- Serve as intermediaries between Moroccan professionals and their foreign counterparts and between international organizations and national organizations working in fields related to its missions.
Advisory missions :
The government, local authorities and public authorities must consult the Chamber on:
- Draft legislative and regulatory texts relating to the professional sectors it represents;
- Solutions to problems related to professional practices and customs;
- Provisions concerning the organization of working conditions;
- Public works and works to be carried out within its territorial jurisdiction and on the collection of revenues, fees or expenses related to such works;
- The creation of general stores, warehouses and public auction rooms for wholesale goods;
- All matters of interest to the trade, industry and services sectors, including customs regime and legislation and regulations relating to commercial, industrial and service activity;
- All measures aimed at simplifying administrative procedures relating to the company.
- The tariffs for the remuneration of transport services granted to the chambers within their territorial jurisdiction;
- The preparation of urban development plans and the implementation of urban master plans as well as urban and rural development plans and the contribution to the implementation of commercial development plans;
- The creation of industrial and commercial zones and free zones;
- Determination of the prices of products and services;
- The organization of trade fairs within its territorial jurisdiction;
- Issues of particular interest to trade, industry and services within their territorial jurisdiction, including general stores, warehouses, auction rooms, packaging and titling offices, temporary and permanent exhibitions, trade and industrial museums, trade exchanges and brokerage centres;
- The creation of markets and large commercial complexes;
Support and promotion missions:
- The creation of arbitration and commercial mediation centres;
- The creation of certified accounting management centres to help professionals, industrial, commercial and service companies, cooperatives and professional associations to improve the management of their activities;
- The creation of services to encourage investment and the promotion of the local and national economy;
- The establishment of partnerships with regional investment centres and academic institutions to promote investment, employment and scientific research at local and regional level;
- The generalization of scientific, technical and economic information in the field of their intervention;
- The contribution to the economic development and professional promotion of nationals within their territorial jurisdiction;
- The contribution to the expansion of Morocco’s trade relations through twinning and exchange of experiences;
- Contributing to the popularization of modern working methods and the development of production and marketing techniques
- The contribution to the preservation of the environment and sustainable development;
- The realization, supervision and monitoring of economic mapping;
- Support for vocational training and continuous training and upgrading of the company,Carrying out economic and social studies on the sectors it represents;
- The conclusion of partnership agreements with institutions specialising in medical coverage, social housing and insurance for the benefit of their members.
In addition to the above-mentioned tasks, the Chamber is empowered to issue documents requested by industrialists, traders and service providers for use within or outside the country, in particular certificates of origin for goods to be exported and professional cards
The chamber may manage and/or create within its territorial jurisdiction:
- Public interest groups, in particular training or requalification institutions;
- Vocational and apprenticeship training centres and institutions dedicated to the development of the sectors they represent;
- Exhibition rooms;
- Business and brokerage centres;
- Industrial complexes and zones and business incubators related to the sectors it represents;
- Vocational training or higher education institutions
The Chamber may agree with other professional chambers to create, subsidize or ensure the maintenance of institutions, services or works of common interest.