46th Session of the Arab Labour Conference

The presence of the President of our CCIS as Vis President of the Federation of Moroccan Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Services at this conference, which will last until 21 April, constitutes an essential contribution of our chamber to the work of the Arab League. The Moroccan delegation is chaired by the Minister of Labour and Professional Integration, Mr Mohamed Yatim, and includes representatives of the various Departments, and professional and trade union organizations (Moroccan Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Services, the General Confederation of Moroccan Enterprises and representatives of the most representative trade union centres in Morocco.)

The agenda of this session includes in particular the discussion of the report of the Director General of the Arab Labour Office on: “Labour relations and requirements for sustainable development”.

According to the report, most Arab countries have adopted plans and programmes in line with the Sustainable Development Programme by 2030, which places them in front of enormous responsibilities that require serious work that exploits all the energies, resources and wealth of society in a global and sustainable manner.

The report examines the relationship between the future of Arab labour markets and the reality of the labour force, as well as the role of a real partnership between the three parts of production, with the aim of contributing to the realization of sustainable development plans and visions in Arab countries in an integrated and effective manner.

It also discusses the role of labour relations in finding solutions to new ways of working in the era of “automation” and e-government, as well as the transition to a knowledge-based economy, industrial intelligence and teleworking, which require an update of labour relations to adapt to the growth and development of new forms of work.

The report also highlighted the reality of economic development in Arab countries and the evolution of social models associated with market volatility, based on data published by a number of Arab and international institutions and organizations, as well as Arab labour legislation and standards.

The conference will also identify the appointment of a new FAO Director-General for 2019-2023, consider strengthening the role of the blue economy to support employment opportunities and discuss the role of modern technology in integrating people with disabilities into the labour market. The organization stated in a presentation document to the conference that the convening of this session will keep pace with regional and global developments that continue to cast a positive and negative shadow on Arab labour markets and in various areas of labour and workers.

The conference will bring the three parties together in the largest forum for social dialogue to discuss all developments in the Arab world and ways to overcome their negative effects on the Arab working class.

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